
The People’s Republic of China, immersed in a culture and history amassed over some 5,000 years, is set to become the largest tourist country by 2020.  Proffering ancient treasures from the Terracotta Army in Xi’an to The Great Wall itself. 

Beijing is now very much a mix of old and new and the high tech, state-of-the-art terminal building presents the image of a forward-thinking, cutting edge capital as you step off the plane.  Shanghai, a bustling vibrant city, has grown exponentially in the last ten years and is a tourist’s dream with the wonderful Bund and its paved walkways allowing for a leisurely stroll along the river bank; the perfect place for the happy snapper. 

Chinese cuisine is amongst the world's most enjoyed food and plays a major role in this country's culture, even today.  Peking duck is probably the most recognised Asian dish and China’s most important drink of the day, Tea, is held in the highest regard and surprisingly pricey too for a decent brew!

To experience the ultimate celebration visit during the New Year, as this is the most important event in the Chinese calendar, a firework filled festival that is truly mesmerising. 

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