All Things Bramley

8th September, 2015 | Article By Newark TIC

Join us to celebrate the UK’s favourite cooking apple in its hometown of Southwell on 24th October 2015.

Visit the Bramley Apple Festival in the picturesque town of Southwell in the District of Newark and Sherwood.

The world-famous cooking apple originated from Southwell from a tree in a garden now known as Bramley Tree House at Church Street, Southwell. It originated from a planting by Mary Ann Brailsford circa 1809-1813. Sometime before Mary Ann’s first marriage in 1813, she planted the pips, core or apple, which later grew into the tree bearing the original Bramley Seedling.

The annual festival has Bramley related activities and events for all the family to enjoy. It attracts hundreds of visitors from all over the county and beyond.

The stunning Southwell Minster, a Cathedral with one of the finest Norman naves in Europe, will host a festival of food and drink, with 30 food and drink stands, a cookery demonstration and apple displays it will be a food and drink festival like no other you have ever visited before.

Morris Men performances and live music will accompany you as you wander through the streets of one of the prettiest towns in Nottinghamshire. With a wide variety of local independent retailers and Bramley themed dishes in the local pubs, cafes and restaurants you can spend the day enjoying the town and the festival.

Visit the Archbishop’s Palace for children’s craft and food activities, including Bramley apple eat treats, autumn scavenger crafts and clay apples.

You can enter the W.I. Apple Pie competition or visit the most complete Victorian Workhouse in existence and try your hand creating the longest apple peel!

You can find out more about the Bramley Apple Festival at

By Newark TIC

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